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Lent and Holy Week Services and Events

Ash Wednesday: March 5th, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Lenten Services: March 12th, 19th, 26th, April 2nd, and 9th

Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Meals at 11:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Palm Sunday: April 13th, 10:30 a.m., Divine Service with Communion

Maundy Thursday: April 17th, 7 p.m., Communion Service and Stripping of the Altar

Good Friday: April 18th, 7 p.m., Tenebrae Service

Easter Sunday: April 20th

9:00 a.m.: Easter Breakfast

10:00 a.m.: Flowering of the Cross

10:30 a.m.: Divine Service with Communion

Reverend John Engwall received the Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where he majored in Religious Studies. After serving for seventeen years in law enforcement, he entered Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he received the Master of Divinity degree, and was then called into the Holy Ministry at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Aiken. He is married to Teffanie, his wife of over 30 years.

Divine Service Hours 

Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Communion every Sunday


We are happy to welcome you as our guests. We pray that our worship will be a spiritually uplifting experience. If you are looking for a church home, we will be very happy to welcome you as a member of our church family.

Our Policy and Practice Regarding Holy Communion: Hear the words of the Apostle Paul: Anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself. - 1 Cor. 11:29  Therefore, visitors are asked to please refrain from partaking of the Sacrament before speaking with the pastor; because we care about the spiritual well-being of everyone who worships with us.  Also, because communing at this altar is a public confession that you agree with the doctrines of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and reject all contrary teachings.

We accept offerings during service each Sunday. If you would like to mail your offering, you may send it to:

Bethlehem Lutheran Church  

902 Hitchcock Drive

Aiken, South Carolina 29803

© 2022 by Bethlehem Lutheran Church Aiken Created by Southern Exposure Marketing

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